发光二极管二极管引脚_LCD? 发光二极管? 等离子体? HDTV技术入门指南
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With image technology progressing faster than ever, High-Def has become the standard, giving TV buyers more options at cheaper prices. But what’s different in all these confusing TVs, and what should you know before buying one?

随着图像技术的发展比以往任何时候都快,高清晰度已成为标准,以较低的价格为电视购买者提供了更多选择。 但是,在所有这些令人困惑的电视中,有什么不同?在购买电视之前,您应该了解什么?

If you’re considering buying a television this Holiday season for a loved one (or simply for yourself), it can be a big help to know what to look for. Take a look to find out what sets HD televisions apart, learn some of the confusing jargon associated with them, and see a comparison of four of the types of HDTVs commonly sold today.

如果您正在考虑在这个假期为亲爱的人(或者仅仅是为自己)购买电视,那么知道要寻找的东西可能对您有很大的帮助。 看看找出是什么使高清电视与众不同,了解与之相关的一些令人困惑的术语,并比较一下当今常见的四种高清电视。

高清电视与标清电视 (HDTV versus Standard Definition)

tv pixels close up

Televisions and monitors create images in the same way, illuminating combinations of Red, Green, and Blue to , or pixels. Different types of displays have their unique ways of doing this, but in theory, they’re all doing the same thing: creating the illusion of an image with tiny points made from combinations of various amounts of primary colors.

电视机和监视器以相同的方式创建图像,照亮红色,绿色和蓝色的组合以或像素。 不同类型的显示器有其独特的实现方式,但从理论上讲,它们都在做相同的事情:用各种原色的组合制成的微小点来创建图像的错觉。

For years, the standard for television and home theater were Low-Def Cathode Ray Tube monitors, which in ordinary household situations would usually have a paltry 640 pixels by 480 pixels. While it was possible to create images full of detail by shooting movies with quality film stock, when it was played on low def televisions, quality could not help but be lost as high-quality film photography is forced into a low-resolution TV medium. While film photography is independent of the confinements of pixel-based video, it was impossible for consumers to view beautiful high-quality movies without purchasing copies of movie reels and setting up old fashioned theater projectors, which are also independent of resolution.

多年来,电视和家庭影院的标准一直是低清晰度阴极射线管显示器,在普通的家庭情况下,通常只有微不足道的640像素乘以480像素。 虽然可以通过拍摄高质量的胶片库来拍摄出具有细节的图像,但是当在低清晰度电视上播放时,由于将高质量的胶片照相技术转换为低分辨率的电视媒体,因此质量不免损失。 尽管电影摄影不受基于像素的视频的限制,但如果不购买电影胶片的副本并安装老式的剧院放映机(也不取决于分辨率),消费者就不可能观看精美的高质量电影。

The simple answer was just to create home monitors with more and more pixels, with the modern widescreen definition at 1920 pixels by 1080 pixels. This makes each individual pixel smaller, creating images that look sharper and cleaner. However, HDTVs and computer monitors are more complicated than simply the sum of their pixels.

简单的答案就是创建越来越多的像素的家用显示器,现代的宽屏分辨率为1920像素x 1080像素。 这样可使每个像素变小,从而使图像看起来更清晰和清晰。 但是,HDTV和计算机监视器比简单的像素总和复杂得多。

购买高清电视时要知道的重要术语 (Important Terms to Know When Buying HDTVs)


With each subsequent generation of television, the language and buzzwords surrounding Hi-Def televisions become more and more complex. Here’s a rundown of the terms you’re likely to hear, and what each of them mean.

随着每一代电视的出现,高清晰度电视周围的语言和流行语变得越来越复杂。 这是您可能会听到的术语的简要说明,以及每个术语的含义。

Contrast Ratio: A number ratio resembling 1:1 or 10,000:1, which illustrates how much difference there is between the brightest whites and the darkest black colors the screen can display. The higher the ratio, the better the contrast.

对比度:类似于1:1或10,000:1的数字比率,它说明屏幕可以显示的最亮的白色和最暗的黑色之间有多少差异。 比率越高,对比度越好。

Refresh Rate: How often the display hardware will redraw (or “refresh”) the image created on the screen. Videos are made of “frames,” which are flashed on screen multiple times per frame because the Refresh Rate is faster than the Frame rate. In other words, you’ll watch the same frame multiple times in a single second, because the refresh is so incredibly fast. Refresh rates are measured in Hz, or cycles per second.

刷新率:显示硬件多久刷新一次(或“刷新”)在屏幕上创建的图像。 视频由“帧”组成,每帧在屏幕上闪烁多次,因为刷新率比帧率快。 换句话说,您将在一秒钟内观看同一帧多次,因为刷新是如此之快。 刷新率以Hz或每秒循环数为单位。

The higher the refresh rate, the better your picture will be, affecting the way fast-moving images appear, reducing blurring and improving clarity. Plasma displays usually have a much higher refresh rate, with the typical screen having a 600hz refresh rate, but LCD or LED TVs have been catching up with 60, 120, 240, or even some 480hz refresh rates available.

刷新率越高,图片越好,从而影响快速移动的图像的显示方式,从而减少模糊并提高清晰度。 等离子显示器通常具有更高的刷新率,典型的屏幕具有600hz的刷新率,但是LCD或LED电视已经以60、120、240甚至约480hz的刷新率追赶。

Pixel Response Time: Similar to refresh rate, Pixel response time is the number of milliseconds the individual pixels take to react to a refreshed image. While Refresh rate deals with the time it takes the hardware to refresh the image, response time refers to how quickly the individual pixels change color from white to black or red or green. The lower the time, the better. Better response times will also create less blurry pictures for fast moving images.

像素响应时间:类似于刷新率,像素响应时间是各个像素对刷新图像做出React所花费的毫秒数。 刷新率用于处理硬件刷新图像所花费的时间,而响应时间是指各个像素将颜色从白色变为黑色,红色或绿色的速度。 时间越短越好。 更好的响应时间还将为快速移动的图像创建更少的模糊图像。

CRT: Acronym for Cathode Ray Tube, the oldest commercial model of televisions and computer monitors. Cathode Ray Tubes are not preferred by modern consumers, despite excellent picture quality, because they necessarily huge, bulky, and heavy.

CRT :阴极射线管(Cathode Ray Tube)的缩写,它是电视和计算机显示器的最古老的商业型号。 尽管阴极射线管具有出色的图像质量,但它们却由于体积庞大,笨重而不受现代消费者的青睐。

LCD: An acronym for Liquid Crystal Display, an extremely common model of display, found in laptops and TVs, as well as displays on alarm clocks and microwaves. LCD is a very energy efficient way of creating color displays compared to CRT.

LCD液晶显示器(LCD)的首字母缩写,是笔记本电脑和电视以及闹钟和微波炉中使用的一种非常普遍的显示器型号。 与CRT相比,LCD是一种非常节能的彩色显示方式。

LED: Stands for Light Emitting Diode, a simple circuit that emits light. LED is the newer addition to the HDTV bestiary, and is the new, hip product to push on consumers.

LED :代表发光二极管,一种简单的发光电路。 LED是HDTV的最新产品,也是吸引消费者的新型时尚产品。

Plasma: Plasmas use the same technology that the Fluorescent lights over your head use to light televisions. Plasma screens were the Rolls Royce of television screens for years, with LED displays only recently being pushed into the forefront.

等离子等离子使用的技术与头顶荧光灯用于照明电视的技术相同。 等离子屏幕多年来一直是电视屏幕的劳斯莱斯,而LED显示屏直到最近才被推到最前沿。

Rear Projection: Also called RPTV, rear projection TVs are effectively projectors casting high-resolution images on the back of large screens, similar to movie theater projectors, except contained in a television unit.

背投电视:也称为RPTV ,背投电视实际上是在大屏幕背面投射高分辨率图像的投影机,类似于电影院的投影机,只是电视单元中包含的投影机。

Composite: The yellow video cable that connects old-fashioned analog signal into televisions. Composite connections are only low-resolution, and are not ideal for HDTVs.

复合:黄色视频电缆,将老式的模拟信号连接到电视。 复合连接仅为低分辨率,对于HDTV而言并不是理想的选择。

Component: A cable connection splitting video into three signals, allowing for HD signal.


HDMI: The standard for digital input, HDMI is a digital connection for devices to televisions, capable of output of high-def video and audio.

HDMI :HDMI是数字输入的标准,HDMI是设备与电视之间的数字连接,能够输出高清视频和音频。

DVI: The PC input counterpart for HDMI, How-To Geek .

DVI :HDMI的PC输入对应物,How-To Geek。

液晶电视 (Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) Televisions)

lcd television

Liquid Crystal Displays, or LCD, were the first type of monitor to provide the smaller profile, allowing for thinner displays that provide good picture quality. While they do not have the depth of color range or high contrast ratios of CRT monitors, modern LCD TVs have a good range of color that can light up even bright rooms.

液晶显示器(LCD)是提供较小外形的第一类监视器,从而可以使显示器更薄,从而提供良好的图像质量。 尽管它们没有CRT显示器的色域深度或高对比度,但现代LCD电视具有很好的色彩范围,甚至可以照亮明亮的房间。

Liquid Crystals do not emit any light, and have to be backlit in order to produce bright colors. (If you’ve ever owned a , you’ll understand what a non-backlit LCD screen looks like.) When an HDTV is classified as an LCD television, it usually means that it is backlit with CCFLs, or Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamps.

液晶不发光,必须背光以产生明亮的颜色。 (如果您曾经拥有 ,您将了解非背光LCD屏幕的外观。)当HDTV被归类为LCD电视时,通常意味着它带有CCFL或Cold背光。阴极荧光灯。

发光二极管(LED)电视 (Light Emitting Diode (LED) Televisions)

led tv

While LED televisions are what is currently being pushed on consumers, they are not quite the breakthrough that the commercials would lead consumers to believe. LED televisions are actually LCD televisions that are lit with Light Emitting Diodes as opposed to the standard CCFLs, discussed in the LCD section, above. They do offer certain advantages, but as they are the new tech offered to consumers, they are pricier than older models, and do not necessarily have the best picture because they are newer.

尽管LED电视是当前向消费者推销的产品,但它们并不是商业广告将使消费者相信的突破。 LED电视实际上是用发光二极管照明的LCD电视,而不是上面LCD部分讨论的标准CCFL。 它们确实具有某些优势,但是由于它们是为消费者提供的新技术,因此它们比旧型号的价格更高,并且不一定具有最佳的外观,因为它们是较新的。

CCFL-style LCD televisions and Plasma televisions use more energy than LED lights, which are extremely energy efficient producers of extraordinarily bright light. For this reason, LEDs are offered as the “Eco-conscious” alternative to Plasma and traditional LCD. They are also free of harmful chemicals like mercury.

CCFL样式的LCD电视和等离子电视比LED灯消耗更多的能量,而LED灯是非常节能的超亮光产生器。 因此,LED是等离子和传统LCD的“环保意识”替代品。 它们也不含汞等有害化学物质。

There are two styles of LED televisions. One is called “edge-lit”, with lights set around the television frame; the other is “full-array,” with lights set behind the screen in a grid pattern. Edge-lit models reflect light into the center of the monitor, and are the thinnest, lightest models available. Since they have fewer lights inside, edge-lit LED models are cheaper compared to full-array models. Full-arrays, however, have the best contrast ratios in LED technology.

LED电视有两种样式。 一种被称为“边缘照明”,在电视机框架周围设置照明灯; 另一个是“全阵列”,灯光以网格模式设置在屏幕后面。 边缘照明的型号将光反射到显示器的中央,并且是最薄,最轻的型号。 由于内部照明较少,因此与全阵列模型相比,边缘照明的LED模型更便宜。 但是,全阵列在LED技术中具有最佳的对比度。

LED does not quite live up to the contrast ratios and colors Plasma displays can create, although they do have excellent image quality and contrast ratios no standard LCD screen can hold a candle to.


等离子电视 (Plasma Televisions)

plasma ball

When electric currents (electrons) are passed through positively-charged gasses (protons and neutron nucleuses) inside bulbs. This soup of electrical current and ions is called “Plasma,” and emits light (photons) at different wavelengths (colors). So what does this mean for your television?

当电流(电子)通过灯泡内部带正电的气体(质子和中子核)时。 这种电流和离子汤被称为“等离子”,并发出不同波长(颜色)的光(光子)。 那么这对您的电视意味着什么呢?

Plasma screen televisions produce some of the best image quality consumers are likely to find. Their model is well suited for larger screens, and provides some of the best contrast ratios and colors available. Plasmas are also small profile, thin monitors, capable of being hung on walls like LCD or LED televisions. Pixel response is also a key benefit to plasma televisions; their images are rendered quickly, countering image blurring effects of fast-moving images on screen, providing clear pictures. In addition to all of this. Plasma televisions also have the widest angle viewing image, with quality constant from direct, in-front viewing to side angles, delivering a better picture to a larger crowd.

等离子电视产生了一些消费者可能会发现的最佳图像质量。 他们的模型非常适合大屏幕,并提供了一些最佳的对比度和色彩。 等离子也是小型,薄型显示器,能够挂在LCD或LED电视等墙壁上。 像素响应也是等离子电视的主要优势。 它们的图像可以快速渲染,以抵消屏幕上快速移动的图像带来的图像模糊效果,从而提供清晰的图像。 除了所有这些。 等离子电视还具有最广角的观看图像,从直接观看,正面观看到侧角观看的质量始终保持不变,从而为更多人群提供了更好的图像。

While they can provide some of the best images, Plasmas are the biggest energy hogs of modern flatscreen HDTVs. While many are Energy Star compliant, LEDs consume less power and contain fewer harmful chemicals. Eco-conscious and ethical gadget buyers may wish to consider this when buying a television. Plasmas are also more vulnerable to burned-in images than LCD/LED flatscreens if users are not as careful as they should be.

等离子虽然可以提供某些最佳图像,但它们却是现代平板高清电视最大的耗能。 尽管许多产品符合能源之星标准,但LED消耗的功率更少,所含有害化学物质也更少。 具有生态意识和道德的小工具购买者在购买电视时不妨考虑这一点。 如果用户不如应注意的话,等离子也比LCD / LED平板显示器更容易产生残影。

背投电视(RPTV) (Rear Projection Televisions (RPTVs))


The forgotten ancestor to theater televisions, RPTVs still have a lot to offer consumers. Since they are lit from the back by projectors, their contrast ratio is somewhat more limited, and their images look best in dark rooms. They are also thicker and deeper than any modern HDTV, which is usually a flatscreen to be mounted on the wall. While many modern projection televisions are thinner than older models, many consumers see this as a limitation, as space and viewing distance may be an important buying factor.

RPTV是剧院电视的被遗忘的祖先,它仍然可以为消费者提供很多服务。 由于它们是由投影仪从背面照亮的,因此它们的对比度有些受到限制,并且它们的图像在黑暗的房间中看起来最好。 它们比任何现代高清电视都更厚更深,后者通常是要安装在墙上的平板电视。 尽管许多现代投影电视都比旧型号薄,但由于空间和观看距离可能是重要的购买因素,因此许多消费者将其视为限制。

You’ll find that RPTVs are surprisingly lightweight, because they are almost entirely empty space. Moving an RPTV is a simple task, while some dense flatscreens may actually be heavier by comparison.

您会发现RPTV非常轻巧,因为它们几乎完全是空的空间。 移动RPTV是一项简单的任务,而相比之下,某些密集的平板电视实际上可能要重一些。

Because the images are projected, the cost of huge screens is similar to the cost of smaller units, with excellent picture quality and reasonably price on units as large as 82 inches. By comparison, Plasma or LED screens of that size would be so outrageously expensive, most stores would not care to carry them. Despite their shortcomings, RPTVs can deliver an excellent HD experience to the budget-conscious home theater.

由于图像是投影的,因此大屏幕的成本与较小单位的成本相似,具有出色的图像质量,并且合理价格高达82英寸。 相比之下,这种尺寸的等离子或LED屏幕太贵了,大多数商店都不愿意携带它们。 尽管有缺点,但RPTV可以为精打细算的家庭影院提供出色的高清体验。

具有3D功能的电视 (3D-Capable Televisions)

3d tvshot

Capitalizing on the current 3D movie trend, many HDTVs are including 3D-Capable hardware in their monitors. 3D Televisions and hardware are complex, confusing, and potentially very expensive. Stay tuned to How-To Geek for a complete rundown on 3D HDTVs, and what you’ll need to get 3D in your home theater.

充分利用当前的3D电影趋势,许多高清电视的监视器中都包含支持3D的硬件。 3D电视和硬件非常复杂,令人困惑,并且可能非常昂贵。 请继续关注How-To Geek,以获取有关3D HDTV的完整摘要以及您在家庭影院中获得3D所需的知识。

Many readers will find that this guide doesn’t offer any clear-cut answers as to “which HDTV is better?” There is no objective answer, as each buyer will have unique needs. Video game players might enjoy the fast refresh and bright colors of LEDs, and sports and movie buffs may like the better contrast ratio and better colors available in Plasma TVs. Others still may want to recreate the theater-like experience with an enormous Rear-projection TV in a large dark room. Spend some time thinking about your own situation, and this guide can help you make a more informed decision for your own needs.

许多读者会发现,该指南没有提供关于“哪种HDTV更好?”的明确答案。 没有客观的答案,因为每个买家都会有独特的需求。 视频游戏玩家可能会喜欢LED的快速刷新和鲜艳的色彩,体育和电影迷可能会喜欢等离子电视中提供的更好的对比度和更好的颜色。 其他人可能仍想在宽敞的暗室中使用巨大的背投电视来重现剧院般的体验。 花一些时间考虑自己的情况,本指南可帮助您根据自己的需求做出更明智的决定。

Image credit: First two images by the author, available freely under . Unnamed cables image by , available under . LG TV Image by , available under . Led 1 by , available under . Plasma Ball by , available under . DSCF1457 by , available under .

图片来源:作者提供的前两张图片,可在下免费获得。 未命名的电缆图片由,可在“ LG TV Image ,可在 领导的1人,可在 Plasma Ball ,可在 lyrislite的 ,可在

Source: Howstuffworks.com; FirstGlimpse , July 2009 Issue.

资料来源:Howstuffworks.com; FirstGlimpse,2009年7月发行。

Edit: Some helpful readers have pointed out that I had  flipped around a key feature of edge-lit versus full-array televisions. After looking back at my source, I found that its wording was confusing, and had to switch the one key fact about edge-lit and full-array televisions because I had read it wrong.

编辑:一些有用的读者指出,我已经翻转了边缘照明电视和全阵列电视的主要功能。 回头看一下我的消息来源后,我发现它的措辞令人困惑,由于我读错了它,所以不得不转换关于边缘照明和全阵列电视的一个关键事实。




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